is a powerful library that allows SQL like access to your Synergy DBMS data and Synergy .Net logic. The classes within can be used to access data and logical both locally (in-process) or remotely via . The syntax and calling structure is identical regardless.
uses $ classes to communicate data using standard SQL like query command and stored procedures (methods). These classes should be code generated and included in a class Library. The class library should then be referenced in the client project (local access) or placed ion the folder for remote access. In addition to the data object classes the framework requires a table mapping routine to line the table name defines in the commands to the physical Synergy DBMS file name. This table mapping method can be code-generated using the Symphony_TableMapping template.
| Class | Description |
 | DataSelect | The DataSelect class enables SQL style queries againt a various database technologies. |
 | DBConnector | Allow the client to define either the local Symphony Hamrony or the required remote server connection protocol. Define the required connection settings to allow the client to connect to the local or remote resource. |
See Also