The Symphony.Conductor.Framework namespace contains a number of classes that enable easier development of your WPF desktop applications. The UIStateStack, for example, enables the ability to provide visual environment processing. The VMMessenger class provides the ability to communicate messages between the different elements of your WPF Desktop application.
| Class | Description |
 | UIStateStack | This class provides the abilit to navigate the visual states defined within the assigned UI Control. The UIStateStack class is a stack of UI states.As you navigate to a state it is popped onto the stack.You can then navigate back to a previous state. You can also navigate back to the base state.This class is used by the Symphony.Conductor.Model.DataObjectBase class. |
 | VMMessenger |
This class provides a simple message system to allow communication between ViewModel classes and a controlling ViewModel class.
 | VMMessenger.viewModelInfo | |
| Enumeration | Description |
 | SynergySortOrder |
Sorting order for Synergy data objects when performing sorting comparisons.
 | ViewModelMessages |
Messages that can be communicated through the VMMessenger class
See Also